
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

TLC June Newsletter

The Learning Circle LLC Performing Arts Studio
 8685 S Highland Dr Sandy, Utah 84093 801-943-1757 
www.tlcdancers.com  thelearningcirclellc.blogspot.com
        June 2011
Dance Concert Information 
Dress rehearsal on Saturday, June 11, 2011 has been replaced with a staging rehearsal on Saturday, June 18, 2011 from 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Please be on time or early! The stage is a lot larger than the studio spaces, so this rehearsal is very important. Once your child is finished rehearsing his/her class(es), they are excused until “call time”.

Your child will be required to sign in at the concert. It is extremely important that each student arrives at his/her call time for the performance on Saturday, June 18. Check your concert packet for more details on hair, make-up, and other important concert information.

Parent volunteers are needed for the day of the concert. We need help collecting tickets, handing out programs, selling TLC dancewear/active wear, and at the registration table. If you are interested in being a volunteer, contact Stephanie via email:
tlcreceptionist@gmail.com or by phone: 801-943-1757. 

Stay Connected to The Learning Circle
In addition to the emailed monthly newsletter there are many ways to stay connected for the latest news:
Website: www.tlcdancers.com
Blog: thelearningcirclellc.blogspot.com
Studio email: thelearningcirclellc@gmail.com 

Class Pictures
Picture day is Saturday, June 4, 2011. Please note the time your child’s class is scheduled for. In order to stay on schedule, please arrive on time or early; your child should be in his/her costume for the scheduled class time. Each class has been allotted enough time to take a class photo and have optional individual pictures taken. If your student needs additional pictures taken, please schedule the pictures during the “head shots” time. Check with the front desk for more details. Additional order forms will be available at the studio if you are ordering photos for more than one class.

Last Day of Class
June 17 is the last day of regular classes. Make-up classes are available on Monday, June 20 and Tuesday, June 21. Please sign up at the front desk if you are planning on having your child attend make-up classes.

Summer Dance Sessions
Summer classes begin Monday, June 20. Session one runs June 20-July 8, and session two runs August 1-18. Each three-week session is a great chance to try a new dance style, keep up on technique, and make new friends. Please plan on attending at least one session and workshop this summer! 

Summer Workshops
Summer workshops offered this year are Ballet Intensive (July 11-14) and Musical
Dance Theatre Intensive (July 26-29). Workshops are a great opportunity to learn more about these very popular styles while working with professionals within these genres. Snacks, lunch on the final workshop days, and t-shirts are included in workshop prices. 

Costume Distribution
Costumes will be distributed in classes from May 30-June 4. Please make sure your account is current.

Dance Concert Program
There are still advertising spots available in our concert program. Concert ads are due to Stephanie by Saturday, June 4. Quarter page ads are $25, half page ads are $50, and full page ads are $100. 

2011-2012 Registration
Priority registration for fall classes is underway. Take advantage of early registration and save $5-$10 off your registration fees by registering today!

Summer Concert Information

Thank you for being a part of our first ever The Learning Circle Performing Arts summer concert: “A Goose Tale”. The concert will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 18, 2011 at Union Middle School (615 East 8000 South, Sandy, UT). We are excited to have this opportunity to showcase the talents and skills our awesome students have. Please note a few things in order to get the most out of your experience.

1. Please remember the concert is a chance for your student to showcase what they have learned. Make
it a good experience for them by encouraging, staying positive, and pointing out the things they did
well. It is appropriate to show your enthusiasm by clapping and bringing flowers or gifts to your student. Cat calling, name shouting, and yelling during the performance is not appropriate.

2. Dress rehearsal previously scheduled Saturday, June 11, 2011 has been replaced with a staging
rehearsal on Saturday, June 18, 2011 from 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Please be on time or early! The
stage is a lot larger than the studio spaces, so this rehearsal is very important. Once your child is
finished rehearsing his/her class(es), they are excused until “call time”.

3. You are welcomed to take pictures during the actual performance on June 18, 2011 as long as no flash photography is used. The flash is distracting to the students and makes performing difficult. A
videographer will be recording the concert: DVDs will be available for purchase.

4. Please remember to label all costume pieces with your child’s name. Nearly every student in the
concert has the same color of leotard, tights, and dance shoes as your student.

5. Eating and drinking anything other than water is not permitted in costume. If your student would like to snack while in costume, please provide a covering of sorts to protect the costume from food damage.

6. Once costumes are sent home with you, they are your responsibility. Please take good care of them!

7. Spots in the concert programs are available for sale. This is a fun opportunity to do a “shout out” for
your student, to advertise your business, or promote a fun event. Full page ads are 4” by 5”, half page
ads are 4” by 2 ½ “, and quarter page ads are 2” by 2 ½ “. Please submit the print-ready ads to
thelearningcirclellc@gmail.com by June 4, 2011. Prices are $100 for a full page ad, $50 for half page
ads, and $25 for quarter page ads. Email for more information.

8. Tickets are available to pick up beginning Saturday, May 14 at noon. Please only take the number of
tickets you will need. Your concert fee allows you 10 tickets per student. Additional tickets will be
available for sale beginning Saturday, June 4 if any seats are still left.

9. Be sure to take advantage of early registration for the 2011-2012 season. Early registration saves
money and assures your place for next year’s classes! Schedules for the 2011-2012 season are
available in May.

10. TLC active wear is available for sale now. TLC stickers and jewelry will be available for sale soon.
Wearing TLC active wear is a great way to show your support of your performing arts studio and
student. Get yours today!

We are happy to answer any additional questions you may have regarding the concert. Thank you for
your support!

~Troy and Stephanie Maag, owners